Georgia companies in 2020 Fortune 500 and 1,000 rankings

Did you know that according to Fortune's 2020 rankings, 18 Fortune 500 companies and 34 Fortune 1000 businesses have their global headquarters in Georgia?

It is no surprise that these companies have found success here, because Georgia offers companies a low cost of doing business, accessibility to the world via the Atlanta international airport, access to new markets via our port, the number one workforce training program in the nation and much more.

Key findings from the Fortune 500 and 1000 rankings

  • With the relocation of Newell Brands headquarters to Georgia, our total Fortune 500 count remains the same as 2019, despite losing SunTrust Banks headquarters with the merger of BB&T to become Truist Financial.
  • Georgia is now home to 34 Fortune 1000 companies – up four from 2019.
  • Georgia is ranked eighth (tied with Florida) for number of Fortune 500 companies by state – up from ninth in 2019.
  • Georgia is ranked ninth by state for the number of Fortune 1000 companies.
  • Atlanta is ranked third (tied with Chicago) for the number of Fortune 500 companies and is fourth for Fortune 1000 companies.
  • Headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, Primerica, Inc. (NYSE: PRI), a leading provider of financial products to middle-income households in the United States and Canada, has been named to the 2020 Fortune 1000 list for the first time in the company’s 43-year history.

Congratulations to all Georgia companies who included on Fortune’s 2020 lists. We are proud these companies call Georgia home. Not only does this list put their success in the spotlight, but it strengthens our economic development efforts as we continue to market Georgia around the globe.

Click here to view Fortune’s recently announced rankings of America’s largest companies based on revenue.

- Posted June 5, 2020